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Sales is a Work in Process

Writer's picture: Dan HarshDan Harsh

Updated: Feb 18, 2021

Sales is a Work in Process. What does that mean? An effective sales structure and sales strategy is like a fine-tuned engine. Engines run best when they are well maintained. Engines require oil changes, tune-ups, fluids replenished, parts replaced, and more. Sometimes engines simply breakdown and require repair. Sales structures and sales strategies are no different

Sales groups and sales strategies need constant maintenance, evaluation, and repaired when not working or performing as designed. Sales is not something we turn on and it runs by itself. Quite the contrary; sales is a work in process. It requires and demands constant attention.

A well-designed sales strategy and sales structure is carefully thought out, has realistic goals and objectives, and includes a plan or plans on how it will achieve its goals. Specific KPIs are set to monitor daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly activities. When goals are not met and the engine is not performing as designed, KPIs and metrics are evaluated to determine reasons for not performing as planned.

A common mistake made is setting sales goals and then waiting till the end of the quarter to evaluate. Evaluation must take place each week and each month. This does not imply we need or must make daily and weekly adjustments, but on the other hand, it may be the very thing we must do. Evaluating KPIs and metrics daily, weekly, and monthly enables us to be on top of our sales activities, results, and reasons for. Being informed at this level positions us to be proactive vs. reactive.

So why do I say sales is a work in process? If your sales strategy and structure is setup as I described above, there are constant things to evaluate, monitor, and challenge. Keep in mind, even when things are going well, we must evaluate and monitor reasons why.

If we are truly taking sales seriously, we must have a pulse on everything our sales group is doing. We encounter problems when we do not address things in a timely manner. Often by the time we address the problem it is too late in the process and we find ourselves behind the eight ball and considerably falling short of our goal.

Sales is the heartbeat of our organizations. Without sales our organizations do not survive. As a result, we should want to manage sales at this level.

Sales is intricate yet dynamic. Sales sometimes does not make sense and other times is very systematic and predictable. Sales is complex, scientific, yet it is an art and requires finesse. However you dissect sales, it demands high-level attention, advanced resources, and innovative creativity and ideas.

There are many moving parts, processes, functions, and roles that must perform and work together to create a successful sales engine. When one of these is out of sync, broken, underperforming, or simply needs adjusting, it has a negative impact overall. Therefore, all parts, processes, functions, and roles must be monitored, measured, and managed on a consistent, frequent basis. Secondly, things must be measured and managed against goals and expectations. This enables us to know when we need to adjust. As soon as we see any indication that there may be an area falling short, we must evaluate reasons why and adjust if needed.

Do not be surprised when adjustments are required. Sales is a work in process. Adjustments will always be required. A work in process requires we make adjustments and decisions when needed. If not, it is not a work in process; it is simply turn on and let it go.

A work in process approach instills accountability at all levels. A work in process structure requires us to stay on task and not lose sight of our sales goal. A work in process mindset causes us to continually strive for sales improvement.

The most effective sales structures and sales engines are those that continually challenge their processes, approach, strategies, personnel, markets, and most of all, performance. By doing so, they become very efficient and effective. Managers who adopt a work in process mentality, continually seek ways to improve their sales approach, processes, and structure. They constantly measure performance against goals and work to understand the variables that are driving the successes and failures.

What must you do to instill a work in process mentality and approach for your sales group?

You must have CRM. CRM must be an integral part of your sales process and structure. CRM is the tool that monitors all sales activities and metrics we use to make decisions. CRM is an automation tool that improves efficiencies and enables you to cover more ground with less resources. Without CRM you are unable to make educated, informed decisions and eventually will be unable to compete.

You must set appropriate KPIs and metrics to measure against. These KPIs and metrics must be set and measured within your CRM and monitored real-time. Your metrics and KPIs inform you when something is not on track. They let you know how certain areas are trending and where you need to adjust.

You must have a sales manager who can manage at the level we are describing. The sales manager must understand every area of sales and be an advocate and user of CRM. They must be able to motivate people, assist people, and quickly and easily recognize when things are not trending correctly, and need addressed. The sales manager must be able to hold people accountable. The sales manager must see the vision, believe in the vision, and know what is required to make it happen.

A work in process mentality is just that; it is a work in process. You will never reach the end goal. The sales goal posts continually move. Sales is a moving target because the target is to always improve. We continually want more revenue, higher efficiencies, lower costs, better deals, and an easier way to make all this happen. That is the makeup of sales.

Do not get discouraged about the time and attention sales requires. Sales is a work in process. Managing sales correctly will always require a great deal of time and attention. The right time and the right attention is what ensures we hit our goals and objectives. Managing sales requires a unique, relentless, passionate mentality.

Sales is not something we simply let happen. Sales is not something we hope or trust will somehow take care of itself and work things out. No, sales is the heartbeat of our organization. Managing sales must be a priority within your company.

Sales is a work in process. Start working it.

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